How Do I Change My Email on MEGA Personal?



If you’re a MEGA Personal subscriber, there are many ways to change your email address. Here’s how to do it:

Step 1: Log in to your Account on and click the gear icon in the top right corner of the screen.

Step 2: Select “Settings” from this menu and choose “Account Details.” This will open up a screen with your current email address at the top. If you want to change this field, type in your new address into the blank field below it and click “Save Changes” at the bottom of the page. You can now log out of this section or continue browsing around MEGA as usual! Your new email address will be active immediately after saving these changes; however, please allow up to 24 hours before expecting any emails sent by others using that exact domain name (i.e., @gmail) because they may still be en route during this period as well).

Changing your email address on MEGA Personal is easy.

Changing your email address on MEGA personal is easy. Here’s how:

  • Go to the Change Email section of your Account.
  • Please enter the new email address and password you wish to use in their respective fields.
  • Click “Change Email,” then confirm that you want to change it with a confirmation code received via email.

Locate the Change Email section.

To change your email address:

  • Locate the Change Email section.
  • Click on the Change Email section of your dashboard to access this page, which lists all your saved emails for easy reference. To add a new one, enter it into the blank field at the bottom of this page and click Save Email once you’ve done so!
  • Please enter your new email address as well as its password in their respective fields below these title headings and click Change Email. Your old Account will be automatically deleted from MEGA’s system upon entering this information—so make sure it isn’t tied up with anything else before doing so!
  • . If you receive an error message saying, “Your email has been changed successfully.”, then congratulations! You’re ready to start using it immediately by logging back into MEGA personal next time an issue needs fixing or if we need more information before sending out another billing statement (like renewal notices). Otherwise, try again later when possible–we’re working hard behind-the-scenes making sure everything works smoothly every single day, so please bear with us while we iron out some kinks here 🙂

How Do I Change My Email on MEGA Personal

Enter the new email address and password and click Change Email.

  • Enter the new email address and password and click Change Email. The new email address must be a Gmail address, with your existing account being converted to the first name.lastname@account-mail-address (e.g., if your current Account is, it will become username@mynewaccount). The password must be eight characters long and contain at least one number, one letter, and one unique character (e.g., !#$%^&*). It cannot be the same as your current password for security reasons.*

Enter the code you receive in the field and click Confirm Code. Mega Personal

Enter the code you received in the field and click Confirm Code.

The code is a security measure usually sent to your new email address. It can be a six-digit number or eight digits, but it’s case-sensitive, so make sure you enter it exactly as you see! If the code doesn’t work, try joining one from another device (if you’re on mobile) or try again later when more servers are available for Mega (if you’re on a desktop).

It’s easy to change your email address on MEGA personal.

It’s easy to change your email address on MEGA personal. Follow these steps to update your account information:

  • Log in to the MEGA app or website and click on the [Change Email] button under the Account Information section.
  • Enter the new email address you want to use for MEGA personal, along with a password for that email account, then click [Change].
  • If you’re changing from a Gmail or Yahoo! Mail account, enter your current password when prompted and then click [Change].
  • You’ll receive an email from MEGA asking you to confirm that this is an updated version of your old account information containing no spam messages or viruses—check out this article if there are any concerns about accessing this message safely.


To change your email address, click “My Account ” and “Personal details.” Next, select the email you want to change and click on “Edit.” Finally, enter your new email address, then click “Save changes.”

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